Talkington Residence
This 1400 SF weekend home is carefully sited with its back up against a cypress and pine hedgerow to allow for commanding views across an open- space meadow to the rocky Pacific coastline. The house sits nestled into the contour of the land and expresses this on the interior where a primary contour is carried through in the form of a bench, hearth, stairs and wall. The primary living space is contained within a 24 foot cube, giving the house a scale that belies its relatively small size. Other pieces were added for entry, dining and study that reach out to particular views and landscape elements.
The clients wanted a room “out of the house”: a place to experience a good northerly storm. The study – a dormered room isolated from the main house with large windows thrust out toward the view and wind – fulfills this request. Elements such as a cat stair and double perch for the clients’ two cats add to the uniqueness of the house and the sense that it fits both the owners’ lifestyle and the site.